Saturday, March 23, 2013
Ditch the White Headphones!
IPod and IPhone White headphones may be stylish, but they also signal that you have a very desirable brand of device to steal. Consider buying a different color might just serve as a simple deterrent from being mugged for an Apple Device.
Self Defense,
Tips and Tricks,
Woman's Self Defense
Chicago, IL, USA
Monday, March 12, 2012
Why do I do this thing called self defense...
This has taken me 43 years to commit
to writing, I hope it resonates with those that read it...
The last few nights I have been
walking my dogs and looking up at the moon. The moon was a welcome sight
when I was a very young child. It illuminated my nights and made my room
not so dark. The dark terrified me. That wasn't always the
case. The first house I remember living in was at 48 Rockingham Street,
Toledo Ohio. It was a great house, not new even in 1969. It was a big
house with lots of character, a big back yard, and lots of kids on the
block. I was adventurous as a child. Walking across Cherry Street at age
three looking for my father scared my mother to death, but I felt secure and
confident. The world was mine to explore.
That all changed in a single
Saturday afternoon.
Playing outside with the
neighborhood kids, as I did often, was very common when I was younger. The late
1960s were a very different time. Children were much more safe out in
their neighborhoods. The clanging of the dinner bell was what we listened
for while we played. Each house had its own tone, and as long as you could
still hear the bell, you were close enough to home to be safe from parents’
anger or missing a meal. As a little group, we often entered each others’
houses, and got water and snacks before running out again to play in the front
yards and driveways. This was so common that we rarely even acknowledged others’
family members that weren’t in our age group. Boys and girls together,
streaming in and out of houses, playing in the sun, carefree and happy.
One Saturday when I was about five
years old, the gang was doing our Saturday routine of playing and house
hopping. We got to one house we always went into, got our water, and
started making our way out the side door. I was the last in the ragtag group to
make it to the door and felt myself grabbed hard at the arm and pulled down the
adjacent flight of stairs toward the basement. I recognized the person
pulling me as my friend’s older brother. Although I was surprised, I wasn't
worried. He was after all someone that I knew.
I remember that he was swearing and
breathing very heavily. His grip was very solid as he pulled me down the
stairs to the partially finished basement. I'd been here before, as all
the kids had many times, seeing the laundry area and the work shop that was set
up in part of the basement. I knew this basement, it was very much like the one
I had at my house. Pulling me to one side of the basement, the older
brother was now grunting and almost thrashing.
He was talking to me in a deep voice
, "If you ever say anything about this, I'll kill your family. First your
mom and your dad, then I'll kill you..."
As he pushed me to the floor close
to the piles of dirty laundry, I tried to resist and stand back up. He turned
off all the lights, leaving the only the light in the stairwell on for illumination.
He caught me and pulled off one of my shoes as he pinned me to the floor. His
clothes began to disappear as he grabbed my hair and pawed at my clothes like a
wild animal. As I squirmed, he lost patience and pulled my head toward his
exposed groin. I have no complete recollection of the next event, but soon my
pulled-off shoe ended up in my hand and I was swinging wildly at his erection,
hitting him over and over. The entire attack felt like it lasted forever. It
may have only been moments - I don't really remember that part...
In reflex from the pain, his hand
released my hair as he repeated that he was going to kill me and I ran for all
I was worth to the stairs. At the top of the stairs I pulled my clothes
back together and ran home with my shoe in my hand. Before I got to the
door of my house I put my shoe back on and tried to stop crying. My mother
asked what was wrong and I told her I had fallen, pointing to a scraped knee I’d
suffered tripping back up the stairs.
I never said a word to my parents
about what had happened. But I was changed permanently.
That first night was the first time
i had asked my mother to leave the hall light on. When she came in to wake
me in the morning, all the lights in my room were on and I was sitting up
already, awake and pretending I was ready to face the world. It was a horrible
lie. So much had been taken from me that even I didn't realize it.
I almost immediately stopped taking
piano lessons because I couldn't stand to be alone in a room with someone I
didn't know well. I stopped venturing off my front lawn and often my front
porch. I didn't go into a basement voluntarily for more than 11
years. I never went to visit my friends again. I never stayed
overnight at a friend’s house. The dark started to terrify me.
Terrified me. The moon became my friend as it illuminated my room when my
mother finally turned off the room lights to try and get me to sleep. Every
creak and grown of the old house that I found so fun just months before made me
shudder. It felt good to get away from the noises of the house, but I was
too afraid to be anywhere else, so the Catch-22 of my life started in full
swing. By age six I was checking the locks over and over before going to
bed. I looked under my bed dozens of times, blocked the closet doors, and
made sure my room door was kept open so I could escape if he came for me in the
middle of the night. When we moved to another house on the other side
of town I thought that I would feel better. It was a new house, but I felt the
same way. Even the act of climbing stairs was something that worried me
and I practiced running the stairs, over and over, faster and faster, all the
time the vision of being chased and caught on my mind.
I grew up afraid.
As a big kid, I was often picked on,
and I simply took the abuse. It didn't bother me physically, but I didn't
really know how to fight back, so I would just stand there. My nights were
filled with night terrors of not being to outrun the shadowy figure springing
up a flight of stairs out of a basement.
My family and I moved to London when
I was 10. I thought that my concerns about someone killing me and my parents
would go away, but the fears were so engrained in me that I had become
accustomed to the strange things I did to make sure that where I slept was
secure. This went on until I started high school. By then I could run
the stairs of my house in moments, and the locks and door handles were as
secure as any door in the city of London. Yet I still needed lights on at
night to get any sleep at all. I grew up with my world feeling different
than everyone else's, but after so many years, the strange things that I did to
make myself calm seemed commonplace to me. My fear was so ingrained that
it permeated everything I did. I was rarely alone, but always felt
isolated. I hated being afraid, but hated worse that I always had a sense
that danger lurked around every corner. I just wanted to feel like
everyone else around me seemed to feel, comfortable, at ease...just for a while
at least.
Entering my freshman year in high
school I knew I was socially awkward. I had not dated anyone, or even hung
out socially with my classmates. I just couldn't make myself want to be in a
new environment.
A martial artist came to our school.
He offered to start a club in the school and I jumped at the chance to do an
activity that was in a place I knew well, especially something that sounded
fun. At first, the class was packed with my classmates, but soon the group had
whittled down to a small, dedicated group. When the school decided to have the
club move off campus, I ended up being the only student who was thinking about
making the move to the new location as well.
Moving the club off the school
grounds almost made me quit martial arts before I had really begun, but I was
so tired of being afraid that I struck out to the squash courts where the
classes had been moved to. At 14, I was the youngest in the class, and certainly
the most isolated. My instructors slowly broke down my wall of fear. I learned that
anyone can defend themselves given the right techniques and the right
attitude. My instructors made me understand that my safety was as much
about attitude as it was about kicking, punching and joint locks. I slowly
had to come out of my shell, move beyond the wall I had built. When I
realized that my mind was my biggest anchor to my fear it was like releasing a
backpack full of bricks, and I knew that I didn't want anyone else to have to
live with this level of burden if I could help it.
My mother was aghast at my
bruises and scrapes from training hours a day, 7 days a week. Epsom salt bathes
became a regular thing to relieve pain in my muscles and joints, but I loved
EVERY minute of it. I absorbed every technique that I could, a thirst for
knowledge that was not only great fun, but started to remove the veil from my self-imposed,
isolated life. I slowly started to have more interest in interacting with
others, and was soon teaching small groups of beginner students. The decade of
terror was replaced in pieces with new confidence and security. My sense
of adventure and zeal for life began to return.
Knowing I could defend myself and
those around me not only allowed a release for the years of pent up fear, but it
made me realize that I truly had a mission in my life; To make sure that no one
I would ever meet should fear life, and try to impart this sense of security I
now felt growing daily. For the first time in years I started to feel like
everyone else around me.
When I entered college, I began to
see that there were so many people who had things in their lives that had left
them feeling at least in part as I had, and I knew that if given a chance, I
could make a difference to how they lived their lives. I wanted to help
them take back those little pieces of control that can make life wonderful.
My confidence that I could keep
people safe and my background in martial arts kills soon made me a sought after
bodyguard and teacher of Hapkido, but for me, the most important thing was seeing
how the people that trained with me started to feel that they could take back
control of their lives, and knowing that if they needed help I was right there in
their corner.
This is
the story of how I was led to my profession, but it is a large part of who I
am, and I hope it proves a source of inspiration to anyone wondering how to
regain some control in their lives and feel a sense of peace in knowing you can
defend yourself and take back your life.
Contact me and let me show you how learning
Hapkido and self defense skills can make you stronger and more confident in
your life.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
BACKOFF! Self Defense great write up in GAPERS BLOCK
Check out this awesome write up of the BACKOFF! Core Elements Program! Contact me if you have a group or corporation that would like to take this class! Individuals are also wlecome, the next Core Elements Class is February 11, 2012. Contact me to sign up! 773-359-1271.
Monday, January 30, 2012
My 2012 Kuhapdo Cutting Challenge
My Kuhapdo Challenge for 2012: 250,000 training cuts by December 31, 2012! That's about 750 cuts everyday! Not hyung, just training cuts...warmup, kibon yun sup - lets see if its doable...anyone else up for the Challenge?? It doesn't sound too hard does it?
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Safety is not always a click away...
It occurred to me that in a day and age when we do things faster, more electronically, and often with less and less interaction with other actual people, we have come to believe that our bodies can be protected with the click of a mouse like our cars and homes. This could not be further from the truth.
The reality is that we need to learn how to defend ourselves with another person to use for is something that cannot be easily learned from a DVD or live stream on the internet. And as much as people look around at the world, with all the problems in modern society, I am always amazed that people put a higher value on insuring objects rather than themselves. More amazing is that people will spend huge amounts of money on life insurance - and nothing to insure their safety in the here and now.
Don't you think that your family and friends would rather have you than a check?
Moreover, even when people do want to learn self defense, they just want the option that close to home, it doesn't matter if it works - they will spend more time looking at online menus for restaurants than caring if the self defense they are interested in actually works...that might mean spending time looking up the program, making a few calls...but honestly, its worth it - learning to defend yourself MATTERS - to you, your family anf friends, and finding a great program is worth the time - self defense is the kind of insurance NO ONE wants to use, but that we should all have! OK, breath in, breath out...rant over.
I teach this program...BACKOFF! Self Defense - this is our Facebook Page. There are several other good programs out there, if you live in Chicago or New Orleans this is one you should check out. Here is the instructor in New Orleans...Fitness Trainer Dalia Klimkowski
The reality is that we need to learn how to defend ourselves with another person to use for is something that cannot be easily learned from a DVD or live stream on the internet. And as much as people look around at the world, with all the problems in modern society, I am always amazed that people put a higher value on insuring objects rather than themselves. More amazing is that people will spend huge amounts of money on life insurance - and nothing to insure their safety in the here and now.
Don't you think that your family and friends would rather have you than a check?
Moreover, even when people do want to learn self defense, they just want the option that close to home, it doesn't matter if it works - they will spend more time looking at online menus for restaurants than caring if the self defense they are interested in actually works...that might mean spending time looking up the program, making a few calls...but honestly, its worth it - learning to defend yourself MATTERS - to you, your family anf friends, and finding a great program is worth the time - self defense is the kind of insurance NO ONE wants to use, but that we should all have! OK, breath in, breath out...rant over.
I teach this program...BACKOFF! Self Defense - this is our Facebook Page. There are several other good programs out there, if you live in Chicago or New Orleans this is one you should check out. Here is the instructor in New Orleans...Fitness Trainer Dalia Klimkowski
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday keep you safer
Hello all,
What not to carry in your purse or wallet.
Never carry irreplaceable items, such as one of a kind photos, or original documents such as birth certificates or social security cards.
Keep an inventory of the credit cards you carry in a safe place at home, with numbers and toll free numbers to cancel and replace the cards if they are lost.
NEVER fight for a purse or wallet - everything in it can be replaced - you cannot!
Have a safe Tuesday!
Your friends @chicagohapkido

What not to carry in your purse or wallet.
Never carry irreplaceable items, such as one of a kind photos, or original documents such as birth certificates or social security cards.
Keep an inventory of the credit cards you carry in a safe place at home, with numbers and toll free numbers to cancel and replace the cards if they are lost.
NEVER fight for a purse or wallet - everything in it can be replaced - you cannot!
Have a safe Tuesday!
Your friends @chicagohapkido

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Searching for Hapkido
Searching for Hapkido
I was not sure how to start this Blog...or this post...
I train and teach the art of Hapkido...and the debate has raged for years over exactly what this is...I realized that on the forums and amongst the community of Hapkido-in at large is what to me appears to be a conspiracy, one that is quite open and even one that is talked about. So, what really is Hapkido?
I am going to write this one as I have been taught and have researched myself. I am going to truncate some of the story of this art because I know that some of this material is enough for a full I will be saving some of this for later.
When a new student walks into a dojang, with a Hapkido sign over the door, they should expect to learn Hapkido - or at least know that they are learning a derivative or sub-style. Now I am not going to rail against the derivatives or sub-styles here - but I think that it is important that the vast majority of "Hapkido" taught across the globe falls into this category.
Let's start with a reasonable definition of Hapkido, one that is plausible and understandable.
Choi Yong Sul started to teach material that he learned in Japan in 1948. I will explore the story of Choi Dojunim at another time. He had students that stayed for a variety of time right from the beginning of his teaching. In addition, the use of rank was something that Choi used from the very beginning, and there is plenty of evidence that rank was something Choi Dojunim was very consistent with. I will examine the use of rank by Choi Dojunim in another post.
The material that Choi Dojunim taught was combat oriented.
Low kicks, strikes that look like ward offs, joint breaking and disables of all sorts. Choi Dojunim's teaching was about combat, that was the emphasis, anything else that was gained that was more esoteric seems to be based on how people interpreted what Choi Dojunim taught.
Choi Dojunim taught in a very consistent manner; he taught approximately 100 techniques to 1st dan black belt, and the rate and pace of gradings seems to be the same even from the earliest students.
Choi Dojunim was not a literate man and even those who knew him extremely well say that his broken Korean-Japanese language could be hard to understand at times. Choi Dojunim more often taught with his technique and his demeanor. Many of his direct students have told me that when he needed to be understood his hands often did the work with a quick snap to the chest, although everyone who knew him well said although his training style was tough, he was a kind and thoughtful man.
Choi Dojunim's techniques were taught at close range. At fighting range. There was no distance that was present between attacker and defender, Choi Dojunim's Hapkido is designed for fighting, not demonstration.
Choi Dojunim worked from three primary principles; Circular Motion, The Water Principle, and the Principle of Null energy (often characterized as the "Harmony" Principle - but this is Aikido, not Hapkido). All of these principles are represented in the material that Choi Dojunim taught.It is important to recognize that if a technique that is taught as Hapkido does not represent these principles, it is not Hapkido. I will cover the principles in depth in other posts. But the core of Hapkido is the elements that flow from these core principles.
Choi Dojunim taught kicking from the day he founded the art. Those that say otherwise clearly were not present when Choi Dojunim was teaching. All the kicking that Choi Dojunim taught was designed to fit seamlessly with technique and all the kicks were directed at the lower part of the body - and they were designed to be felt rather than seen - no flash in his kicks, just solid contact to the lower part of the body.
The strikes that Choi Dojunim taught were not added to the style until 1952. From 1948 - 1952, every technique ended with a throat rip and kill. By 1952, his students had convinced him that a kill at the end of every technique would not make it easy to sell his art to a broader audience and so the unique strikes of the style were added. The most basic strike being a back hand strike to the face or temple. One thing that separated the strikes that Choi Dojunim taught was the limited use of the ubiquitous front punch. Almost never seen in the style, many of the strikes look more like "ward off" than actual strikes.
The joint locks and breaks that Choi Dojunim taught were unique to him on the Korean Peninsula and made people both want to train with him and fear this same training as well. There are many well documented accounts of the screams that emanated from the windows of Choi Dojunim's Daegu dojang. The joint locks were fast and efficient, none of the multi directional material that one sees on the internet today. Once a body was committed to a single direction, that direction was maintained and the joint was destroyed in that single direction.
The weapons that Choi Dojunim taught were limited but effective, they included cane and 3 lengths of Dan Bong (short stick).
Choi Dojunim did not teach acrobatic or overly complex motion, instead the footsteps were simple and the use of "stances" was kept to a minimum. Basically only a tiger stance and simple t-formation stance were the only ones used.
Even with this incredible simplicity, there are some 3806 techniques that Choi Dojunim taught as part of his entire curriculum with new material up through the rank of 7th dan.
This brushes the surface of the art of Choi Dojunim. I am going to fill in more and more detail with subsequent blog entries.
I was not sure how to start this Blog...or this post...
![]() |
Choi Yong Sul Dojunim |
I am going to write this one as I have been taught and have researched myself. I am going to truncate some of the story of this art because I know that some of this material is enough for a full I will be saving some of this for later.
When a new student walks into a dojang, with a Hapkido sign over the door, they should expect to learn Hapkido - or at least know that they are learning a derivative or sub-style. Now I am not going to rail against the derivatives or sub-styles here - but I think that it is important that the vast majority of "Hapkido" taught across the globe falls into this category.
Let's start with a reasonable definition of Hapkido, one that is plausible and understandable.
Choi Yong Sul started to teach material that he learned in Japan in 1948. I will explore the story of Choi Dojunim at another time. He had students that stayed for a variety of time right from the beginning of his teaching. In addition, the use of rank was something that Choi used from the very beginning, and there is plenty of evidence that rank was something Choi Dojunim was very consistent with. I will examine the use of rank by Choi Dojunim in another post.
The material that Choi Dojunim taught was combat oriented.
Low kicks, strikes that look like ward offs, joint breaking and disables of all sorts. Choi Dojunim's teaching was about combat, that was the emphasis, anything else that was gained that was more esoteric seems to be based on how people interpreted what Choi Dojunim taught.
Choi Dojunim taught in a very consistent manner; he taught approximately 100 techniques to 1st dan black belt, and the rate and pace of gradings seems to be the same even from the earliest students.
Choi Dojunim was not a literate man and even those who knew him extremely well say that his broken Korean-Japanese language could be hard to understand at times. Choi Dojunim more often taught with his technique and his demeanor. Many of his direct students have told me that when he needed to be understood his hands often did the work with a quick snap to the chest, although everyone who knew him well said although his training style was tough, he was a kind and thoughtful man.
Choi Dojunim's techniques were taught at close range. At fighting range. There was no distance that was present between attacker and defender, Choi Dojunim's Hapkido is designed for fighting, not demonstration.
Choi Dojunim worked from three primary principles; Circular Motion, The Water Principle, and the Principle of Null energy (often characterized as the "Harmony" Principle - but this is Aikido, not Hapkido). All of these principles are represented in the material that Choi Dojunim taught.It is important to recognize that if a technique that is taught as Hapkido does not represent these principles, it is not Hapkido. I will cover the principles in depth in other posts. But the core of Hapkido is the elements that flow from these core principles.
Choi Dojunim taught kicking from the day he founded the art. Those that say otherwise clearly were not present when Choi Dojunim was teaching. All the kicking that Choi Dojunim taught was designed to fit seamlessly with technique and all the kicks were directed at the lower part of the body - and they were designed to be felt rather than seen - no flash in his kicks, just solid contact to the lower part of the body.
The strikes that Choi Dojunim taught were not added to the style until 1952. From 1948 - 1952, every technique ended with a throat rip and kill. By 1952, his students had convinced him that a kill at the end of every technique would not make it easy to sell his art to a broader audience and so the unique strikes of the style were added. The most basic strike being a back hand strike to the face or temple. One thing that separated the strikes that Choi Dojunim taught was the limited use of the ubiquitous front punch. Almost never seen in the style, many of the strikes look more like "ward off" than actual strikes.
The joint locks and breaks that Choi Dojunim taught were unique to him on the Korean Peninsula and made people both want to train with him and fear this same training as well. There are many well documented accounts of the screams that emanated from the windows of Choi Dojunim's Daegu dojang. The joint locks were fast and efficient, none of the multi directional material that one sees on the internet today. Once a body was committed to a single direction, that direction was maintained and the joint was destroyed in that single direction.
The weapons that Choi Dojunim taught were limited but effective, they included cane and 3 lengths of Dan Bong (short stick).
Choi Dojunim did not teach acrobatic or overly complex motion, instead the footsteps were simple and the use of "stances" was kept to a minimum. Basically only a tiger stance and simple t-formation stance were the only ones used.
Even with this incredible simplicity, there are some 3806 techniques that Choi Dojunim taught as part of his entire curriculum with new material up through the rank of 7th dan.
This brushes the surface of the art of Choi Dojunim. I am going to fill in more and more detail with subsequent blog entries.
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